Because of the current state of the world, everyone is dealing with their own struggles in their own ways. People are getting sick. Schools are closed and parents are taking on the new role as teacher. Small businesses are being affected and in some cases closing their doors permanently. People are being laid off. I mean, you know the deal. This sh*t is hard!
In my opinion, the fitness industry has been the bright spot in this darkness - it is shining right now; although times are tough for those in the industry (gyms, trainers, coaches) they are still showing up for the community making sure that everyone at home has the opportunity to move - whether that's via Zoom classes, IG Live classes, online coaching, or even just posting free workouts.
Over the last 4.5 years of running Thirteen Fit Apparel and living my own personal fitness journey, I've come to realize more and more what I want out of it all. I feel my purpose, regardless of what avenue I take, is to help people in one way or another and right now, I feel the fitness industry needs some lovin' since they've given so much to our community.
That's why I started Project: Community. The concept is simple: donate apparel designs for gyms to put up for pre-order, sell some merch, give the profits to the gym. And honestly, no catch. I love fitness and I love this community. Seeing local gyms and CrossFit boxes suffer is heartbreaking; fitness has done so much for me that I wanted to have a way to give back.
During the month of April, I had the pleasure of working with gyms across the country (San Fran, CA - Tampa, FL - Chantilly, VA) and because of the pre-order sales, we were able to raise hundreds of dollars to help these gyms during tough times. Not to mention, I'm really happy with the designs we came up with!
Check 'em out:
Inspired by those Florida vibes, ya feel?
This floral design symbolizes growth, community, and resilience.
We pulled this message from their mission statement -
it works perfectly for the current situation!
For more information on our custom designs, check out our custom design page for Thirteen Underground Creative (@thirteenundergroundcreative) or email me (paige@thirteenfitapparel.com).
Stay healthy and keep moving!