Over the summer, we launched our A-List Tees and Tanks but I think it's time I tell you a little bit more about the concept behind this style.
As you may or may not know, I love to design with meaning. I like to think that if I design with a deeper meaning, it gives the brand purpose in addition to, but beyond style alone. Maybe the purpose is just giving you the ability to connect with the concept; maybe it translates on a deeper level and makes you feel more powerful or motivated.
At first glance, a lot of my designs are minimal and the A-List Tee + Tank is no exception... it's obviously *just* a list of words. But these words are really a summary of our concept, right?
THIRTEEN FIT APPAREL: pretty straightforward, that's who we are!
ULTIMATE SELF: that's our thing, our motive, our mission--to help you achieve your Ultimate Self
STRONG LIKE RHINO: If you don't know about our rhino symbolism, here's a quick rundown. In the previously mentioned pursuit of Ultimate Self, we believe there's a physical and mental balance needed between strength, power, and stability. Our rhino is a symbol of those three elements... SO, that evolved and now we are STRONG LIKE RHINO!
So, that's the list. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.
Another one of our recurring design elements is the usage of gold. Why? Because we don't settle for silver. Ultimate Self means your BEST self, your number one, the gold standard--gold is not only pretty to look at but it stands for what we stand for! The gold is in it's purest form in the center of the design, "ULTIMATE SELF." Makes sense, yea? From the top and from the bottom, the black fades into the gold... because it's a journey, it's a process. We don't go from 0 to 100. We are ever-evolving and always growing, aiming for that idea of our best self.
LASTLY, the name. My cousin is so good at this so I call her when I need help coming up with verbiage (she actually is the mastermind behind the "ultimate"). We were like, what can we call this shirt?! We were back and forth with names that were about progress or fading but nothing was clicking until... A-LIST.
It's so perfect BECAUSE the shirt is literally A LIST of words that summarize us but ALSO, when a person is on the A-List, they're like, numero uno. Top notch. The bomb.
A-list, /ˈālist/ noun
a real or imaginary list of the most celebrated or sought-after individuals
All Photos by Rebecca Brookstein Photography, @rebeccabrooksteinphotography