Annnnd the pre-order is launched! Introducing our Heritage Collection (if you pre-order, expect an April delivery!).
HERITAGE Unisex Medium Weight Long Sleeve
I wanted to talk to you about this concept! It's a two part thing:
- I wanted to create a collection focused on our core: who we are and what we stand for.
- I wanted to use this as an opportunity to spotlight our Brand Athlete, Brett!
In February of 2018, we launched our Thirteen Journeys campaign, one of those stories was Brett's. If you haven't read it, I HIGHLY recommend you do (by clicking HERE).
After the campaign, we brought Brett on as a sponsored athlete... actually, almost exactly 1 year ago to the date!
Anyways, our first design, HERITAGE is quite simply a design encompassing our brand. Who we are: Thirteen Fit Apparel. What we are here for: Ultimate Self. Where we are from: New York, baby! When we started: 2015.
But let's talk about our UNBOUND design. I approached our athlete, Brett, a few months ago asking him to collaborate with me on a shirt design. When I asked him what he liked most about the brand, he said that his favorite design was our OG ELEMENTS Tee. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to revamp our classic! We worked on the design, picked some colors and styles to print on, gave Brett a little shout out for being from Brooklyn, and when I asked him what he wanted to name it, he came back with UNBOUND.
And here's why.
Definition: "released from bonds or restraints"
What would happen if you released yourself from mental negativity? From the confinement of the perceived limitations that you have set for yourself? How might things look different if instead of saying, "I can't...." you instead said, "I could," or "I can"? Your power might scare you, so you keep it locked up. Your strength might make others uncomfortable, so you hide it from them. Allow yourself the freedom from your self-criticism. Strength, power, and stability come from the inside out. Allow yourself to live UNBOUND.

As you know, we like everything we launch to have meaning and purpose. Thank you Brett for giving this design even more depth and hopefully, it will speak to some of you. At the end of the day, our mission is to empower you on your journey... and to help ya look damn good, too!